What kind of auto insurance do you require? How much your automobile is worth, where you reside, and what other valuables you need to safeguard all play a role in the answer. Just as well, it all comes down to how much of a financial risk you want to take by being a vehicle driver.
In this quick guide, we’ll take a look at what the right level of car insurance is for different types of drivers, so you can make a more informed decision.
What is the Right Level of Car Insurance?
Every state has some sort of need for financial responsibility, and the majority of drivers comply with this requirement by getting vehicle insurance. Usually, it’s the most straightforward and affordable choice. If you don’t want vehicle insurance, your state may compel you to post a bond that might cost up to $100,000 to demonstrate your financial responsibility.
So how much automobile insurance do you need exactly? That ultimately comes down to how much of a risk you’re willing to take.
The minimal minimum amount of automotive insurance required by your state must be purchased. However, state regulations are woefully inadequate and do not cover the expense of having your own car repaired. If you want better coverage, you’ll have to invest in more than the bare minimum. Let’s examine a few different types of automobile insurance.
Liability for Injury
States may have minimal requirements for bodily injury coverage as low as $10,000 per person or $20,000 per accident. Many vehicle insurance policies cap liability coverage at $300,000 or $500,000 per accident. You can face a costly lawsuit if you cause someone harm with your automobile. Your liability coverage should be sufficient to safeguard your assets in the case of an accident. The majority of specialists advise a limit of at least $100,000, however, that might not be sufficient. Auto insurance on the cheap is not appropriate here. If your insurance coverage is insufficient, you risk losing your million-dollar home in a lawsuit. A personal excess liability policy will give you more protection. You must get liability insurance commensurate with the value of your assets since the more valuable your assets are, the more you stand to lose.
Liability for Vehicle/Property Destruction
State-specific minimums apply, but they probably won’t be sufficient to keep you safe in a catastrophic collision. Given that many automobiles cost more than $50,000, you can be liable for a sizable repair payment if you hit someone’s car and it is totaled. If you have a personal umbrella policy, you will be protected from unforeseen expenses; however, your insurance provider could need you to carry additional coverage in order to be eligible for a personal umbrella policy.
Basic Collision
This type of insurance covers the expense of your own car’s collision damage. The amount you should purchase is determined by the vehicle you insure, so you don’t have to calculate it. However, you must choose whether to purchase it and how much of a deductible to accept. Your premium will be cheaper the larger the deductible. The typical range of deductibles is $250 to $1,000. When a car is brand-new and valuable, collision coverage is crucial to have, but it becomes less crucial as the value of the automobile decreases. If the deductible is $500 and the automobile is only worth $1,000, purchasing collision insurance might not be prudent. State law does not often need collision insurance.
Extra Comprehensive
This insurance includes paying for any additional automobile losses that are not collision-related, including fire and theft. You must decide on a deductible, just like with collision insurance. Your premium will be cheaper the greater deductible you select. Physical damage coverage, which refers to both Comprehensive and Collision coverage when marketed jointly, is a common term. Even while the state law may not mandate it, if the vehicle is financed or leased, the leasing company or lender may insist that you obtain physical damage insurance.
Medical Costs and Expenses
In the case of an accident, this type of insurance pays for the expense of your medical treatment and the medical care of your passengers. The most that will be reimbursed for each driver’s medical claims is the limit you select under the Medical Expenses coverage. Therefore, each passenger will receive up to $2,000 in coverage for medical claims stemming from a collision in your car if you select a $2,000 Medical Expense Limit.
How was our guide to the right level of car insurance? If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident, we recommend seeking out Hartford car accident lawyers who can provide guidance.